Notable News
- Congratulations to Alainna Jamal who has matched to the Infectious Diseases post-graduate training program at Mass General Brigham in Boston
- Congratulations to Hira Raheel who has been accepted into the Critical Care Fellowship program at Western University
- Congratulations to Rahel Zewude who has been accepted into the Master of Science in Tropical Medicine & International Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Congratulations to Fahad Buskandar, Sheliza Halani, and Rahel Zewude who all passed their Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Infectious Diseases examination
- Congratulations to Dileesha Fernando for receiving an Ontario Graduate Scholarship to support her Master of Science studies at U of T.
- Congratulations to Greg Hawley for acceptance into the MSc program at U of T’s IMS.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving the 2024-25 Queen Elizabeth II/Dr. Arnie Aberman Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology.
- Congratulations to Sonia Igboanugo for matching to General Surgery residency at McMaster University.
- Congratulations to Charles Adeyinka for being accepted into the MD program at McMaster University.
- Congratulations to Eunice Aluko for being accepted into the MD program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Zain Ahmad for being accepted into the MD program at University College Cork.
- Congratulations to Dileesha Fernando for being accepted into the MSc program in Health Systems Research at U of T’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation.
- Congratulations to Jahmar Hewitt for being accepted into the MHSc program in Medical Physiology at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Hira Raheel for winning 1st Prize in the UHN/MSH Hollenberg Competition.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving a University of Toronto Institute of Medical Science Open Award.
- Congratulations to Alainna Jamal for being invited to speak as a Program Alumnus at U of T’s 2024 MD/PhD Mentorship Symposium
- Congratulations to Angelica Vidal for being accepted into and beginning Nursing school at Humber College.
- Congratulations to Dr. Ruwandi Kariyawasam on successfully completing the Fellow of the Canadian College of Microbiologists (FCCM) requirements and board certification.
- Congratulations to Sabrina Yeung who matched to the ID program at McMaster.
- Congratulations to Ana Hernandez for accepting a full-time permanent position as a phlebotomist with Twig Fertility.
- Congratulations to Asal Adawi for being accepted into the Rehabilitation Sciences Master’s program at McMaster University.
- Congratulations to Sadaf Khan for being accepted into the Clinical Epidemiology and Research Management Master’s Program at Western University.
- Congratulations to Chelsia Watson for receiving the Black Business & Professional Association (BBPA) National Scholarship.
- Congratulations to Olamide Egbewumi for receiving a scholarship from Health Data Research, UK.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving the 2023-24 Queen Elizabeth II/Dr. Arnie Aberman Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for being awarded 3rd prize in the Annual UHN/Sinai Hollenberg Competition.
- Congratulations to Zain Ahmad for receiving an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for successfully passing the MSc-to-Phd transfer examination at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Shveta Bhasker, Candice Madakadze, Sonia Igboanugo, Angelica Vidal, Zain Ahmad, Jahmar Hewitt, Ranie Ahmed, Omer Jamal, and Michael Klowak for delivering 13 outstanding poster presentations at the CISTM18 meeting in Basel, Switzerland.
- Congratulations to Dylan Kain for receiving a CIHR fellowship.
- Congratulations to Akshat Pai for being accepted as a Junior Fellow at Massey College.
- Congratulations to Shveta Bhasker for being accepted as a Junior Fellow at Massey College.
- Congratulations to Ana Hernandez for securing a job as an MLT/Phlebotomist at Twig Fertility.
- Congratulations to Nessika Karsenti for matching to the General Internal Medicine residency training program of Memorial University.
- Congratulations to Christian Lecce for matching to Internal Medicine residency at Queen’s University.
- Congratulations to Jason Kwan for matching to Dermatology residency at the University of British Columbia.
- Congratulations to Mark Polemidiotis for being accepted into medical school at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
- Congratulations to Charles Adeyinka for receiving the Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s Program.
- Congratulations to Sonia Igboanugo for receiving the ISTM young investigators award in Basel, Switzerland.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving the ISTM young investigators award in Basel, Switzerland.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving the ORT Conference Participation Award.
- Congratulations to Shveta Bhasker for being part of the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation’s winning Master of Health Informatics Hackathon team.
- Congratulations to Akshat Pai for receiving the Canadian Graduate Scholarship for doctoral students.
- Congratulations to Chelsia Watson for receiving the University of Toronto Student Leadership Award.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam for beginning her Faculty position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology of the University of Alberta.
- Congratulations to Ana Hernandez for completing her Medical Lab Tech program and receiving her MLPAO licensing certificate.
- Congratulations to Olamide Egbewumi for being accepted into the University of Bristol MSc Digital Health program.
- Congratulations to Chelsia Watson for being awarded the 2023-2024 EDI IMS Continuing Bursary for Black and Indigenous Students.
- Congratulations to Osaru Omoruna for receiving the Inclusive Excellence Admissions Scholarship.
- Congratulations to Osaru Omoruna for being accepted into the MSc program at U of T’s IMS and Department of LMP.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam for completing her Fellowship in Clinical Microbiology
- Congratulations to Akshat Pal for successfully passing the MSc-to-Phd transfer examination at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Enrique Trinidad for being accepted into medical school at the University of Warsaw.
- Congratulations to Zain Ahmad for acceptance into the MSc program at U of T’s IMS.
- Congratulations to Omer Jamal for acceptance into the MSc program at U of T’s IMS.
- Congratulations to Bethel Samson for being accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Chelsia Watson for being awarded the 2022-2023 EDI IMS Continuing Bursary for Black and Indigenous Students.
- Congratulations to Dr. Hira Raheel for matching to General Internal Medicine at Western University.
- Congratulations to Dr. Alainna Jamal for matching to General Internal Medicine at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Layla Ahmed for acceptance into the MSc program at U of T’s IMS.
- Congratulations to Michelle Zhao for acceptances into the MPH programs at both NYU and Columbia.
- Congratulations to Ranie Ahmed for acceptance into the MSc program at U of T’s IMS.
- Congratulations to Candice Madakadze for securing a position as a Clinical Research Associate at CADTH.
- Congratulations to Olamide Egbewumi for acceptance into the MSc program at the University of Strathclyde.
- Congratulations to Shveta Bhasker for being accepted into the Master of Health Informatics program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Raesham Mahmood for being accepted into the Design Thinking Experience Program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Aquilla Reid who just graduated with her Masters of Biomedical Science (MBS) from the University of Guelph.
- Congratulations to Jahmar Hewitt for receiving the University of Toronto Student Leadership Award.
- Congratulations to Rahel Zewude for matching to Adult Infectious Diseases at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Rochelle Melvin for matching to Adult Critical Care Medicine at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Kim Marks-Beaubrun for her acceptance into the Master of Science Nursing program at McGill.
- Congratulations to Shareese Clarke for completing her RN degree and passing her licensure examinations.
- Congratulations to Melissa Phuong for successfully defending her PhD.
- Congratulations to Chelsia Watson for acceptance into the MSc program of the Institute of Medical Science with an Open Fellowship Award
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam for her wedding to fiancé Jonathan Persad on Friday August 6th.
- Congratulations to Ranie Ahmed and Omer Jamal for publication of their paper on Racial Equity in the Fight Against COVID.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving the 2021-22 Queen Elizabeth II/Dr. Arnie Aberman Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology.
- Congratulations to Eric Shao for receiving the 2021-22 Master’s program Canada Graduate Scholarship
- Congratulations to Swana Kopalakrishnan for being honoured in the UHN / MSH Hollenberg Research Competition.
- Congratulations to Dr. Dylan Kain for completing the Emerging Infectious Diseases Fellowship.
- Congratulations to Dr. Leila Makhani for completing the Gorgas course in Clinical Tropical Medicine.
- Congratulations to Dr. Aisha Khatib for becoming the Associate Editor of social media for the Journal of Tropical Medicine.
- Congratulations to Rochelle Melvin and Fiona Haxho for placing in the top 3 of the UHN/Sinai Health Great Cases in Medicine Competition.
- Congratulations to Celine Lecce for being accepted into the MD program at Queens University.
- Congratulations to Raesham Mahmood for being accepted into the Institute of Medical Science MSc program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Bryan Gascon for being accepted into the MD/PhD program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Michelle Dong for being accepted into the MD program at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH
- Congratulations to Dylan Kain for receiving a Clinician Scientist Training Program Fellowship for pursuing PhD studies at the Oregon Health Sciences University.
- Congratulations to Swana Kopalakrishnan for matching to General Internal Medicine at Western University.
- Congratulations to Sabrina Yeung for matching to General Internal Medicine at McMaster University.
- Congratulations to Sonia Igboanugo for receiving the 2021 altona Canada Medical Student Research Award.
- Congratulations to Aquilla Reid-John for being accepted into the Biomedical Science MSc program at the University of Guelph.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving the IMS Open Fellowship Award.
- Congratulations to Michael Klowak for receiving the 2020-21 Queen Elizabeth II/Dr. Arnie Aberman Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology.
- Congratulations to Dr. Ruwandi Kariyawasam for successfully defending her PhD at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Anjola Ogunsina for being accepted into medical school at the University of Central Lancashire in the United Kingdom.
- Congratulations to Sonia Igboanugo for being accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Arghavan Omidi for being accepted into Dentistry at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Chelsia Watson for receiving the Dr. Ezra Nesbeth Scholarship for leadership, and academic excellence.
- Congratulations to Isabel Ng for completing her MSc in Global Health at McMaster University.
- Congratulations to Dr. Aisha Khatib for winning the ASTMH 2019 Annual Meeting Travel Award, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam, Priyanka Challa, and Osaru Omoruna for receiving the 2019 Para Tryp Travel Award.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam on her receipt of the 2019-20 Queen Elizabeth II/Dr. Arnie Aberman Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology.
- Congratulations to Dylan Kain for passing his Internal Medicine exam and earning his FRCPC designation.
- Congratulations to Nessikha Karsenti for being accepted into medical school at Western University.
- Congratulations to Sonia Igboanugo for receiving McMaster University’s President’s Award for excellence in student leadership.
- Congratulations to Jason Kwan for being accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Sabrina Yeung who won 3rd prize at the UHN/MSH Hollenberg Competition.
- Congratulations to Shareese Clarke for being accepted into the Nursing program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Eric Shao for receiving a Summer Undergraduate Research Award.
- Congratulations to Dr. Philip Dwek for completing the Gorgas course in Clinical Tropical Medicine.
- Congratulations to Priyanka Challa who will be beginning a masters degree in AI at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Christian Lecce who was accepted into the Doctor of Medicine program at University College Dublin.
- Congratulations to Dr. Dylan Kain for being selected to participate in the Infectious Disease Fellows Program at ASM Microbe 2019, in San Francisco, California.
- Congratulations to Eric Shao for winning the ASM Student and Post-Doctoral Travel Award, for ASM Microbe 2019, in San Francisco, California.
- Congratulations to Jamie Sookhoo who will be beginning a PhD at Manitoba University.
- Congratulations to Rochelle Melvin for matching to the Internal Medicine program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Leila Makhani for completing her fellowship in Clinical Tropical Medicine.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam for winning the IMS U of T fellowship award.
- Congratulations to Rachel Lau for earning her MSc of Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
- Congratulations to Dr. Aisha Khatib for successfully completing the CTropMed examination, leading to a Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers’ Health.
- Congratulations Dr. Andrea Boggild on her new appointment as Editor in Chief of the Journal Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine, and Vaccines.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam for winning the ASTMH-ACMCIP Award for Advanced Training.
- Congratulations to Swana Kopalakrishnan for ranking 2nd in Category 4 of the UHN/MSH Hollenberg Competition.
- Congratulations to Taylor Kain for ranking 3rd in Category 1 of the UHN/MSH Hollenberg Competition.
- Congratulations to Melissa Phuong for receiving an Ontario Graduate Scholarship, as well as a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.
- Congratulations to Michelle Dong who will be beginning a masters degree in Immunology at Harvard University.
- Congratulations to Dale Jechel for matching to the Family Medicine program at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Nessika Karsenti who was accepted into medical school at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.
- Please see the tv series “Monsters Inside Me" season 8 episode 4 for information on Strongyloidiasis.
- Congratulations to Jugvinder Grewal who was accepted into medical school at Western University.
- Congratulations to Swana Kopalakrishnan who was accepted into medical school at Queens University.
- Congratulations to Sabrina Yeung who was accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto.
- Congratulations to Andrew Purssell for matching to General Internal Medicine in Ottawa.
- Congratulations to Jordan Mah for matching to General Internal Medicine at Mcgill.
- Congratulations to Michael Stevens and Leah Kincaid for finishing dermatology residency.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam for receiving the ISTM young investigators award in Barcelona, Spain.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam for receiving second place in the Elsevier-ASTMH Clinical Research Award at ASTMH 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Congratulations to Avinash Mukkala and Priyanka Challa for receiving an Honourable Mention at the University of Toronto SURP Research Day.
- Congratulations to Michelle Dong for being the only Canadian to receive the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ASTMH Travel Award Grant.
- Congratulations to Farah Jazuli who matched to the Emergency Medicine program at McMaster for her 5-year residency.
- Congratulations to Melissa Phuong who was accepted into the MD/PhD program at the University of Ottawa, matriculation 2016.
- Congratulations to Farah Jazuli who won 3rd prize at the UHN/MSH Hollenberg Competition.
- Congratulations to Cara Macrae who won 2nd prize at the UHN/MSH Department of Medicine “Great Cases in Medicine" competition.
- Congratulations to Ruwandi Kariyawasam who has received an award through the School of Graduate Studies to present her research overseas.